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This workshop will provide an understanding of how PPO impacts music interpreting.
Can anyone just do music interpreting? How can interpreters positively promote it without creating conflicts of interest within dominant Deaf culture vs. Diverse Deaf communities who want and appreciate music?
This workshop will talk about "behind the scenes" of what it means to respect and support diverse DHHDB communities when interpreting music on a large scale. Interpreters will also learn how to appreciate the work of music interpreting and the cultural power, privilege, and oppressive ramifications that comes with it.
This workshop is a mixture of presenting, educating, and some Q and A.
Educational Objectives:
Purple Communications and Sorenson Communication are Approved RID CMP Sponsors for continuing education activities. This Professional Studies program, Understanding How PPO Impacts Music Interpreting: The Raw Truth, is offered for 0.2 PPO CEUs at the little/None Content Knowledge Level.
Purple Communications, Sorenson Communications, and Diversity Academy promotes and supports policies of non-discrimination and an environment that is mutually respectful and free from bias.
Requests for accommodations must be submitted to [email protected].
Amber Galloway
Amber was born and raised in San Antonio. Her long-standing involvement both in the Black & Brown Communities has also given her a greater understanding of her “white” privileges as well and the love and respect for their cultures. These lifetime experiences provided her the unique skills working alongside with various POC artists.
Amber's love of music started from deep connections within all of the diverse families and experiences she had growing up in her formative years. She also has been a part of the LGBT+ family for some time and was lucky to have had been in relationships and understand a greater understanding of power and privilege as a cisgendered lesbian Hard of Hearing white woman. Her love of American sign language blended nicely as she embarked into music interpreting over 20 years ago for her Deaf friends. She is forever grateful for her influences and Deaf mentors that framed her to become who she is.
After learning sign language from the Deaf community, Amber attended college to obtain her Associates degree in Interpreting and a BA in Psychology and she then went on to receive her Masters in ASL/English Interpreting. Her certifications are National Certification RID CT&CI, NIC, Texas BEI Level V, Oral Certification: Comprehensive.
Participants will receive a pre-assessment form with questions related to diversity topics.
Often praised for her ability to show the connection between lyrics and sounds, Amber's music interpretations demonstrate the emotional bonds which have driven music lovers to concerts for years. Her interpretations bring the music to life in a way that is not often seen in music interpreting. Deaf audience members have often said they are able to connect to music performance more than they ever had in the past. Her interpretations delighted and inspired hearing music aficionados to learn sign language and even some to become interpreters. Amber has always loved music and the Deaf community, but it was not until she saw the San Antonio Deaf Dance Company and the Wild Zappers perform that she realized that she could hone her interpreting skills to bridge the access gap in the music industry. She turned her love and passion into a specialization in music interpreting-especially hip hop and rap. Deaf people that truly love and adore music often request her because they know she will “bring it". Amber has over 20 years of interpreting and has a Master's Degree in ASL/English Interpreting. Her certifications are National Certification RID CT&CI, NIC, Texas BEI Level V, Oral.
Educational Objectives:
Participants will receive a Post-Assessment form that will identify their involvement and understanding of diversity topics covered in the webinar.
Participants will provide feedback via a presenter evaluation form.
This course is being offered for 0.2 PS PPO (Power, Privilege, and Oppression) CEUs: 1 hour webinar presentation & 1 hour of participation in the online community discussion forum following the webinar.
Diversity Academy Online provides:
Pre/post assessment questions
Active participation in the online discussion forum
You must be a member of Diversity Academy to earn and receive CEUs for each monthly webinar. This webinar is included with membership.
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